Artist Statement:

When one observes from the periphery, group behaviors unveil a dance. The collective seems chaotic but within an invisible order. Humans, birds, or microbes all tend to form groups for protection and a sense of belonging. What behaviors lead to these patterns draw my attention as an artist. No matter what scale, there are dynamics at play. A space that unites can, paradoxically, form boundaries that can disconnect us. Oscillating between painting, sculpture, and photography, borrowing from Science and Sufism, I am driven to emulate this interplay between structure and spontaneity. Process-driven experiments have led me to invent a fictional language, "Zuban-e-Kursi," (the language of a chair), assigning English letters to chair parts as symbols. These self-imposed algorithmic environments encode text as hidden layers that become containers to break free from habitual silos, reclaiming agency and transcendence, offering visual poetry and an anthropological response.